The contemplative effort required to engage with Ultraviolet (44:12) will move the mind meaningfully. Mike Carss as Altus here combines the attributes of melody, harmony and rhythm with dramatic aural effects. In his affirming ascent into mysterious space, the eight tracks search and expand - moving outward in all directions in a singular tenderness and warmth. Recognizing the high horizons of the spirit Ultravioletsignals shifting shapes and expressive shades of sound in the dark huedmodulations and formulations of its superb sonic sphere. In striking contrasts of tone color and scale this dream of an album drifts its way through intriguing sparks of synthesized sonance and rapturous electronic forms. From perfumed atmospheres and moonlight soft chords, to vivid echoing patterns and loops these realizations extend all the way up to the sky, yet still provide rich terrestrial detail. Moving to the tempo of the entrancedUltraviolet searches between states of wordless quietude and opalescent shine, then heads for those chilling shadows of tenebrous textures. With such meticulously designed arrangements the journey from one region to the next is an easy crossing. Listeners on this voyage should be able to notice the prismatic, timbral tints and actinic brightness coming off this work - and all else that we cannot quite discern, but still know is there.
Please tune in to the 01.05.25 broadcast of STAR'S END Ambient Radio for music from Ultraviolet the 2024 release by Altus
Hank Flynn's FOX 29 Feature on STAR'S END Host Chuck van Zyl for The 215
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Various Artists - Snowfall: Relaxing Holiday Instrumentals (Heart Dance Records)
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