Star's End Playlist for 05.05.96


"Star's End" 1-6AM SatNite/SunMorning  Playlist for May 5th, 1996
88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD
Host: Chuck van Zyl *Gatherings Concert Event Wrap-up*

ARTIST                 TRACK                                    ALBUM (Label)

1:00am  Guest DJ: (LoveGrove) LG 1:00am-3:00am
Coldcut                 Autumn Leaves (Irresistable Force Mix)  2 A.D.  V A (Waveform)
AlienMutant/IndigoEgg   Planet Mushroom                         Kinetix 12"
Edoram                  Dream of the Night                      Musiques Pour les Plantes Vertes (F Communication)
Sounds of the Humpback Whales
Franl de Wolf           The End                                 Ltd Edition 12"
The Joy                 Liquidity                               Dematerialize 12"
Joe Nation              Zyona                                   Chill 12"
Aural Expansions        Freeform Attractor                      Remixes vol 1 (SSR)
Howie B                 Music for Babies                        Music for Babies (Polydor)
Michael Stearns         Ancient Leaves                          Ancient Leaves (Continuum Montage)

Purr                    Float On                                Ntone
Wish Mountain           Radio                                   Evolution
Lunasol                 Butterfly                               United States of Ambience 1 (Moonshine)
Pluto Circuits          Pluto Circuits 1                        Rancho Relaxo
The Saxaphonettes       Secret Squirrel Orb-ient Mix
Ingrid de Lambre        Poesies                                 Yellow
Spectre                 Conver Dub                              Natural Response (BMG UK)
Visit Venus             Digital Dub                             Magic Fly Variations (Yo Mama)
Symphonies of the Planets 5                                     Symphonies of the Planet 5 (Laserlight)

Art Cohen   Recorded Live at Gatherings Concert 4, Philadelphia, PA 05.04.96

Telekinetic Soulmate    Sound Blot                              Defective Soundscapes (Defective)
Klaus Schulze           Wahnfried 1883                          Time Wind (Virgin)
Tangerine Dream         Alpha Centauri                          Alpha Centauri (Ohr)
David Bowie             Sense of Doubt                          Heroes (Rykodisc)

Ash Ra Tempel           Ocean of Tenderness                     New Age of Earth (Isadora)
Vangelis BladeRunnerBlues.MemoriesOGreen.TalesFuture.DamaskRose Blade Runner (Atlantic)
Steve Roach             The Face in the Fire. Dreaming Now Then Artifacts (Fortuna)

6:00am   .................................................................

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