STAR'S END 1-6AM SatNite/SunMorning Playlist for April 9th, 2000 88.5fmWXPN Philadelphia/88.1fmWXPH Harrisburg,PA/90.5fmWKHS Worton/Baltimore,MD Hosts: Chuck van Zyl/Jeff Towne * This edition of STAR'S END was originally broadcast live on October 13th, 1996 * 1:00am Live Performance from October 13th, 1996 : STAR'S END Sleep Concert with Robert Rich [5 hours] 6:00am About Sleep Concerts by Robert Rich: "In the early '80's I used to perform all-night concerts for sleeping audiences, lasting from about 11:00PM to 8:00 AM. I encouraged people to bring sleeping bag and pillow, and fall asleep. The music was extremely quiet and slow-moving, more like a pure atmosphere than what people generally think of as music. It was a mixture of live electronics and taped organic sounds. ... part of the purpose of the sleep concerts was to tranform an environment and create a break from everyday experience. By carefully controlling the acoustics of the performance space, I could achieve some very unusual perceptual effects. The first hour or two will be slightly more active than the rest, but soon the music will drop away into slow foggy textures and strange ambient sounds. At low volumes, these textures can blend into your acoustic environment, creating a sort of sonic dislocation, a re focusing of your perceptions. You can use the sound texture as a way to focus your attention onto images that arise out of your half-sleeping mind. In the transitions between sleep and wake, hypnogogic images may become intensified and more vivid. You may also become more aware of dreams, and you can observe the different layers of perception as you teeter on the edge of consciousness." -Robert Rich October 13th, 1996
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